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[[in pencil] 137 [[/in pencil]]
Bay saw in the distance one of our boats Sterry [[strikethrough]] concluted [[/strikethrough]] concluded they must be after us.  Soon had signs from the Boat that proved such to [[insertion]] be [[/insertion]] the fact. Took us off - told us the town of Holsteinsborg was in a state of alarm at the great smoke that was seen coming from behind the  mountains. As we came toward the George Henry passed a boat loaded by Esquimaux - They pointed with their fingers Westward crying vociferously "Too much fire! Too much fire!!"
I regretted exceedingly to learn the prospective war that might follow between Denmark & the United States from [[strikethrough]] finding [[/strikethrough]] that fire originating from the finding a Duck's Egg in that Greenland Mountain Lake - "William Sterry Lake".  In one hour after meeting those [[insertion]] poor [[/insertion]] frightened Esquimaux the [[insertion]] "Fire [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] smoke [[/strikethrough]] on the mountains" was no more.
Visiting Governor Elbery's the [[insertion]] same [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] next [[/strikethrough]] day evening he alluded to the fire on their mountains - 
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[[in pencil]] 138 [[/in pencil]]
their fears, for awhile, of the entire loss of their best [[underlined]] fields [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] - not woods - [[/insertion]] of fuel.  I frankly told him what caused it that I [[strikethrough]] was one of its [[/strikethrough]] & Companion were the parties responsible for the deed - that our sorrow on learning the nature of the misfortune was deep indeed - that we stood nearby to make the [[underlined]] amends honorable [[/underlined]] that the town of Holsteinsborg or the [[strikethrough]] Government of [[/strikethrough]] King of Denmark should in reason stipulate!
This frank acknowledgement - the apparent want of evil intent in the act - the honorable proposition was instantly responded to by a hearty shaking of hands accompanied by the generous expressions of good Governor Elbery: "My thanks for your frankness, Sir.  It is now all well - I am at your service!" (Sunday July 8/60)  I will now put down [[insertion]] a [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] A [[/strikethrough]] few points of Sunday 8th July 1860.
11 o'clock went over to Holsteinsborg with 
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