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[[in pencil]] 145[[/in pencil]]

all self respect for all shun him. I pity him from the bottom of my heart! Would to God cheering words like [[strikethrough]] old [[/strikethrough]] those Sir John Ross [[strikethrough]] is made [[/strikethrough]] wont to utter when living, could be whispered in his ear. Adam Beck is worthless -poor. He has an old rickety, leaky boat [[insertion]] that some one had abandoned [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] That is all he has in this world save the old skins [[strikethrough]] that that [[/strikethrough]] on his back that once warmly clothed him.
I will strive to show him [[strikethrough]] some [[/strikethrough]]the respect due him as a human being; - tho he be an outcast I know there is in his [[insertion]] breast [[/insertion]] a chord [[insertion]] strikethrough]] in his breast [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]]that will vibrate to [[underlined]] kindness and humanity. [[/underlined]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[in pencil]] 146 [[/in pencil]]

[[insertion at top of page in different ink]] 
See Autographs of Gov & Lieut Gov etc on page [[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] Vol 1 silk & linen Book - [[underlined]] (back part) [[/underlined]] {{/insertion]]

This afternoon Governor Elbery & his Lieut. [[space for name to be inserted]] & his wife have visited us.
I took great pleasure in welcoming them as indeed did Capt Buddington. I had promised Gov. Elbery to show him the Admiralty Charts sent through the hands of noble [[Grinnell?]] for my use in my visit to the North. I laid before him the Charts - the [[strikethrough]] [[1?]] [[/strikethrough]] Report to Parliament of all papers "1855" on the search for Sir John Franklin Kane's [[?]] - Franklin's - Parry's [[Crantrys?]] etc. etc.
The Governor was greatly interested making many enquiries that I took pleasure in answering.

In a map of the U.S. Gov. E. found much to please him asking many questions relative to the progress of such - of the various cities - improvements. [[strikethrough]] Street  [[/strikethrough]] R. Roads were new to him - never heard or seen them in the Old Country.