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[[pencil]] [[underlined]] 147 [[/in pencil]] [[/underlined]]

Gov. E. proposed presenting me with an Esquimaux suit of waterproof clothing such as he exhibited to me a few days since. This will be an excellent & desirable present indeed. He also proposed that I should accompany the Lieut. up one of Fiords near by next Monday returning on Tuesday.  This will be a capital opportunity visiting [[strikethrough]] many [[/strikethrough]] other portions of Greenland.
To this I cheerfully acceded with my thanks.  The party took tea - on board at 5. The Gov. enjoyed two dishes that he never before had in Greenland, [[insertion]] Fresh [[/insertion]] Lobsters & Cranberry [[strikethrough]] sauce [[/strikethrough]] preserves.  He pronounced them very good.  American cheese ^ [[insertion]] with [[/insertion]] which he generally keeps himself well supplied, he likes much.
Captain Buddington presented the Gov with a beautiful opera glass - Dress pattern calico - Hams & Salt Beef. The 
comity between the two officials is highly commendable. The Governor's enquiries relation to our 
[[end page]]

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[[pencil]] 148 [[/pencil]]

noble ^ [[insertion]] & greatly [[strikethrough]] [[?]]  [[/strikethrough]] celebrated [[/insertion]] countryman, Henry Grinnell, Esq were special - & of importance as it is significant of the extent that great & good deeds will radiate. The name of Henry Grinnell is Known here among the mountains of Greenland as a benefactor to his race.
After spending some three hours the Gov. & his party bid us Goodnight. Two Esquimaux Girls  [[insertion]] neatly attired in [[/insertion]] their [[strikethrough]]  [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] native [[/insertion]] costume were among his bevy of rowers.
These friendly meetings ^ [[insertion]] with the Gov. & his friends [[/insertion]] that occur almost every day robbing us almost entirely of all thought of being up in the ^ [[insertion]] Northern [[/insertion]] frigid zone.
The boys are now returning from the dance they have participated in in Holsteinburg to-night - XII O'clock reminds me that I ought to go to bed. The shades of night, where [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] art thou?

Transcription Notes:
'comity' means friendly social atmosphere