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[[pencil]] [[underlined]] 151 [/underlined] [[/pencil]]

Scene it was that!
Having replaced my clothing on I went gathering rocks & flowers.
Up up the mountains - steep followed steep - every 10 feet left a pile of stone consisting of 3 "Faith, Hope & Charity" - the top ^ [[insertion]] one [[/insertion]] pointing back to the last. These were ^ [[insertion]] to [[/insertion]] mark our pathway back, for bear in mind [[strikethrough]] our [[/strikethrough]] we were mounting a mountain not passed before by human feet as Known in Holsteinburg by natives or the European residence officials. At last we came to the top of all save the last mountain which was ^ [[insertion]] partly [[/insertion]] covered with snow. Here the steepest [[insertion]] of what was above [[/insertion]] the awful [[strikethrough]] heig [[/strikethrough]] height [[strikethrough]] down wh [[/strikethrough]] we then were made us both stagger. Recovering [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] from this momentary [[strikethrough]] fr [[/strikethrough]] weakness, I looked upward & determined to go up! Not [[underlined]] on [[/underlined]] - for there was no on about it - it was in truth Up! Up!! Up!!! My Esquimaux companion was appalled at my evident purpose.
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[[pencil]] 152 [[/pencil]]

He looked up & shook his head - & ^ [[insertion]] then [[/insertion]] actually fell to the ground. All my commands, entreaties - proposals were as nought - he would not accompany me [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] up there if I give him the whole world! - a broad but emphatic speech. Divesting myself [[strikethrough]] off [[/strikethrough]] of all that I, in [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] modesty, could spare. - (the peak I was about the climb is called "Woman's Hood" - [[strikethrough]] When [[/strikethrough]] How should I know but the Hood had a womans's ^ [[insertion]] eyes [[/insertion]] under it?) I started. [[strikethrough]] Every [[/strikethrough]] I went up! up! with great caution erecting [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Faith, Hope and Charity" stones almost every 1/2 Rod. Every now & then I was obliged to desist - the Sun was [[insertion]] then in [[insertion]] North West sending into my view compound rays - [[strikethrough]] its own [[/strikethrough]] its direct & reflected rays. The reflected rays from the Sun were dazzling & hot Instead of a narrow line of reflection it was (from my height) apparently one mile ^ [[insertion]] wide [[/insertion]] upon the ^ [[insertion] smooth [[/insertion]] waters up "Darius Straits" 
[[strikethrough]] T [[/strikethrough]] At some points it took me 1/2 hour