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this shocking scoundrel to escape!
To think that when we despaired of even 
getting hold of him - because, as you pointed 
out, of the difficulties of extradition - he should 
of his own accord run right into your arms is amazing! -
It would be unpardonable if by 
any chance this time he were to slip through 
the very clever fingers of the New York Police. 

I am most anxious to hear. Do let me 
have one word by cable to say that Sheridan 
Ford is properly in "Sing Sing" - or "the Tombs" 
or wherever it is that scamps tramps 
& jailbirds do so aspire, are safely sequestered!

With hearty congratulations upon 
such excellent work.
believe me dear Mr Alexander
Always Sincerely
Jms McNeil Whistler