Viewing page 21 of 398

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590 G H Hudson Plattsburgh NY Catocala briseis
591 " " " " " concumbens
592 " " " " Cidaria lacustrata
593 " " " " " unangulata
594 " " " " " higubrata
595 " " " " Triphosa dubitata
596 " " " " Biston ursaria
597 " " " " Tephrosia canadaria
598 " " " " Eurymene kentzingaria
599 " " " " Metrocampa perlaria
600 " " " " Epicanthus [[abfirmaria?]]
601 " " " " Endropia duaria
602 Linwood Hill Aug 9 1887 Heliophila harveyi
[[checkmark]] 603 " " " " = 1979
604 " " " " = 1814
605 " " " " 
606 " " " " [[male symbol]] Spilosoma acraea
607 this is stampped ^[[DR DEAN 1897]] " Eustratia carneola
608 " " " "
609 " " " "
610 " " " Aug 10 " 
611 " " " " = 7 (?)
612 " " " " 
613 " " " " Telesilla cinerola
614 " " " "
615 " " " "
616 " " " Aug 11 "
617 " " " " Parorgyia parallela
618 " " " "
619 " " " Aug 12 "
620 " " " "