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[[start page]] 2 Oct 8th continued 1839 Repeated the experiment of [[strikethrough]] Nobele [[/strikethrough]] Davy with common electricity (See Nobele's memoirs page ) The box used in the last exp served for this In the first attempt with two (gallon) jars, no effect, the stratum of mercury was too thick but could not be made thinner without thrusting up higher the points through the bottom of the box and in this case they required to be [[guarded]] by a coating of cement. With these precautions [[tried?]] two jars, no effect was produced, but when three jars were employed, the mercury was thrown with so much force from the + point as to strike me in the face. The result was therefore in accordance with the observations of [[underlined]]Nobele[[/underlined]], and affords another example of the similarity of action of common and galvanic electricity. [[horizontal line]] Tried to magnetize needles by sticking them into the bottom of the box through the stratum of mercury, but without success.[[horizontal line]] Attempted to replicate an experiment of [[spelling? --Pilte]] on the production of electricity by agitation of the particles of a metal, for this purpose attached one end of a thick piece of copper plate to the one wire of a galvanometer, and the other to a rasp then drew the end of the copper plate over the rasp. Needle appeared somewhat aggitated but not sufficiently to indicate certainly a current [[perhapse?]] with a galvanometer with [[short?]] wire, an effect might be produce. [[end page]] [[Start page]] 3 Oct 9th 1839 Made a course galvanometer with about 40 turns of bell wire, used for the first time the connectors which I had made by [[Chelton]], [[only?]] small cylinders of copper of this form [[image]]. Found they operated very well. Oct 10th 1839 Arranged Pages little apparatus to produce a secondary current [[image]] used with it the part of the large battery used in the exp of the 8th [[word]]. The motion of the electrometer was exceedingly rapid and the secondary shock too powerful to be taken. The tertiary shock from the Helix no 2 on no 1 was also very intense. When a plate of strict lead was interposed the neutralization was not complete, but when the large plate of Zinc was placed between nothing could be felt. I afterwards arranged the apparatus so as to get shocks from the current of the 4th order by placing coil no 2 on helix no 1 and connecting with the former coil No [[3?]], on which was placed helix no 2, Thus [[image]] by this arrangement quantity is converted into intensity and intensity into quantity. When a plate of metal was placed between any of the coils adjacent, the screening influence was exhibited from this it appears that the 2nd current from the [[magnet?]] [[electric?]] machine acts precisely the same as that from the battery. [[end page]]