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8 Oct 14th 1839 Exp 1 [[in left margin]] a [[image - a sketch showing coils of wire connected to one another and what looks like a battery, also a coil which is connected by two wires to a cylindrical object]] Arranged coil no 1 and 2 so as to form a compound coil of two strands, attached the ends of no 1 with the battery and the ends of no 1 with the battery and the ends of no 2 with the ends of no 3, then connected helix no 1 with a galvanometer, this being arranged the battery was plunged into to acid, and afterwards the helix moved up and down over the third coil, the needle was deflected, and by timing the motion of the helix, the needle was made to describe more than 90 degrees. If there be no falacy in this experiment it is very important one and determines the existance of a state of induction called by Mr Faraday electrotonic which has never been shown to exist. [[two diagonal lines crossing from the right margin to entry]] see April 17th 1840 [[in left margin]] Found a falacy in the above experiment, the electricity cut across from one coil to the other, the insulation of the several spires was not perfect. It however establishes the fact of the imperfect insulation between the spires of the coil covered only with cotton cloth, and also that the secondary currents by motion can be produced with a small current, I shall therefore be in possession of a simple method of sending them [[end page]] [[start page]] 9 Attempted to get a current of the 3rd order by means of motion, but did not succede with the two large coiles and the large helix (No 1). With the large coil (no 1) attached to the battery, and helix no 1 brought down on it, a secondary current was produced and no difference appeared to be produced. Whether the plate of zinc was interposed or not, or whether the zinc was in motion with the helix or at rest. Attempted with an arrangement of coiles 1 & 2 at the battery 3, connected with no 2, and 4 connected with the galvanometer with many turns, no effect. [[horizontal line]] Made a secondary current with the little machine by drawing the end of a file magnet over the end of the bundle of wires which forms the cone, the presence of the current was indicated by the motion of the galvanometer needle. The current was then completed between the end of the large wire, which surrounds the bundle of iron wire, but the same result was produced indicating that no screening influence in this case was produced. This exp is the repetition of one described in the latter entries of the old book