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Oct 8th 1842

Removed the secondary wire to the farther entry
of the parallel building.  Sent through the primary
wire a charge from three jars.  The needle placed
in the helix mentioned before, was again magnetic,
and in the same direction as in the experiment of
yesterday and the day before.
     Next sent a charge from a single jar, the
needle was in this case magnetized in the same
direction as before but not to the same degree
of intensity.
     In these experiments, the whole parallelogram
formed by the secondary wire, was carried back-
ward, so that the farthest side was in the field
beyond the society halls.  The experiments were
not continued this day on account of the dampness 
of the weather.  In the morning a very heavy fog rested
on the ground until about 10 oclock AM..

[[new page]]

Oct 15th 1842

 Spent the forepart of this day with Lieut
 Lupoy of the Royal artillery in determining the
dir and the intensity of terrestrial magnetism
at this place.  The station was that at which
my observations were made on the intensity
several years ago, namely in Mr. Clows field,
south of the west college.  The spot may be known
by a depression in the general level of the ground, 
The station was the middle of this.