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Monday Oct 23 1843

Exp continued with 3 jars Distance 8/40th = 1/5

Charge 10º 3 holes as in the figure

11º 2 holes as in figure

20 one large irregular hole at the -po

30 one small hole as in fig.

35 one large irregular hole as in fig.

40 single hole at negative pole

50 three holes near negative pole

60 one large hole near the middle


charge with 3 jars distance 17/40th of an inch
10º one hole ˄[[large]] near minus pole
20º Do   do                    Do   do
30º two small holes near - pole
40º one hole middle little [[circled]]near[[/circled]] -
50º two holes at minus pole
60º one hole at the minus pole
60º one large 2 small holes at minus pole


In all the last experiments with the 3 jars, except one, the hole has been nearer the [[underline]] minus [[/underline]] pole.


In making the foregoing experiments, I observed that when the wire of the secondary current came in contact with my leg at the time of the discharge, a spark was given off which produced a prickling sensation, with this, an electrometer might be charged.

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Monday Oct 23. 1843

Experiments with the Franklin battery
Charge 20 snaps of unit jar no perforation at the distance of 4/40 = 1/10 of an inch

[figures in left margin like plus signs, dots and minus signs] 
40 snaps one hole near plus side
50 snaps . Elect 4 Double hole in the middle
60 snps     "    10 one large hole two small near +
70   "      "    14 one hole middle
                 20° Four holes from point to point
                 25 large hole near plus


Distance 1/5 of an inch  Frank battery
10° one hole near minus
20° three holes nearer the minus
30 one large hole two small near the minus
40 one large hole at minus

All these results give holes near the minus pole
[[margin]]One jar charged each time to 90°[[/margin]]
Experiments with primary current
Passed spark from the machine through paper between two needle points the perforation was very minute and directly opposite the [[underlined]] minus [[/underlined]] point

Sent charge of one jar Elect 90 through paper perforation near [[strikethrough]] the needle and [[/strikethrough]] at one [[underlined]] minus [[/underlined]] two holes very fine compared with those of the secondary discharge - the paper was different.

Repeated the same with other paper - one hole & larger near the minus pole

Same distance in all these experiments 3/8 of an inch
one hole near minus side

Distance increased one hole at minus 5/8 of an inch