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86 Monday & Tuesday 
Oct 23,24 - 1843 
Exp. with Pierced and Primary Current 

[[Diagram]] Distance diminished to 1/8th of an inch, 2 holes [[underlined]]minus[[/underlined]].

[[Diagram]] Distance 1/10th of an inch.

This gave a very beautiful result, four perforations each smaller than the other. The largest near or at the minus end, the nex at the middle, the third a little farther away and the third at the plus end.

[[Diagram]] Distance 1/15 of an inch, 2 holes at plus, one at minus, holes at plus ragged as if by several discharges.

[[Diagram]] Distance 1/10th of an inch, two holes, one near the minus end, the other near the middle.

In all these experiments with the primary current, the perforation was no larger than with the secondary current.

Exp. with smaller charge, points about 1/15th, one jar charged to
[[Diagram]]30⁰ one fine hole at minus end.
[[Diagram]]30  two holes near minus.
[[Diagram]]20  two holes together near the middle.
[[Diagram]]20  near the minus, one hole.

[[image of experimental device]]
Sent shock from single jar through a thick card on the [[?]] apparatus with blunt points, which were about 3/4 of an inch apart, [[underlined]]three[[/underlined]] holes were made about one third way from the minus pole as in the figure.

The points were next removed to the distance of an inch, one hole at the minus pole.

Repeated the same, one hole at minus pole, distance of points 1/2 an inch.
In these exp, the jar was charged to 90⁰, but it was cold. 
[[End Page]]

[[Start Page]]
Tuesday Oct 24th 1843
Experiments with the pierced card Primary current 87

[[Note in right margin]] Thick paper [[/End margin note]]
             one jar 
Repeated same one hole at minus
Do       "    "   "    "  "
Do       "    "   "    "  "
Do with elect at 40⁰ points near 2 holes
Repeated same in all respects one hole at minus

Points 1/4 of an inch apart one jar
Charge of elect
20⁰[[Diagram]] one hole at minus pole
25 [[Diagram]] Do  do   near  do
40 [[Diagram]] Do  do   do    do  do
50 [[Diagram]] two do   do    do  do
60 [[Diagram]] one do   do    do  do
70 [[Diagram]] one do   at the plus pole
80 [[Diagram]] one do   at "   minus pole
90 [[Diagram]] one do   "  "    "      "
[[Right margin note]] Thick paper [[/End Margin Note]]

Points one inch apart [[underlined]]one jar[[/underlined]]
Charge elec
20 did not pass
40  do ""  "
+    +
50[[Diagram]] one hole near minus pole
60[[Diagram]] "   "    "    "     "    little farther from pole
70[[Diagram]] "   "    "    "     " 
80[[Diagram]] one hole at minus pole
85[[Diagram]] four holes near each other and the [[underlined]]minus[[/underlined]] pole
90[[Diagram]] six holes as in the figure
+       -
Points same distance 3 jars
[[underlined]]Charge elect[[/underlined]]
40[[Diagram]] one hole near the minus pole
50[[Diagram]] "   "    "    "   "     "
60[[Diagram]] two holes near minus pole
70[[Diagram]] two holes "    "     "
80[[Diagram]] "   "     "    "     "
[[Right Margin Note]] Thick paper [[/End Margin Note]]

80 was about as high as I could charge
three jars.