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Tuesday oct 24th 1843 [[vertical squiggle line]] Experiments with pierced card by the primary current

Repeated the experiment with one jar and distance one inch with thin paper the following is the result 
charge by elect.

50[[Diagram]] one hole at minus point
60[[Diagram]] one hole near "    "
70[[Diagram]] one hole at   "    "
80[[Diagram]] two holes nearer " "
85[[Diagram]] one hole near "    "
90[[Diagram]] two large holes and several small ones      
[[right margin note]] thin paper [[end note]]

The general result of this set of experiments, is the same as that of the thick paper on the last page.

[[line across the page]]

Next made a series of experiments with fine sewing needle points. [[underlined]] One jar.[[/underlined]]
First the distance apart is one inch, perhaps a little more.

The charge was from 40 to 90 with the same result, the perforations were all at the minus pole, and single with one exception, the hole with the charge of 80 was double, but near the [[underlined]] minus [[/underlined]] pole.
Next the points were 1/4 of an inch apart 
charge by the electrom.
20[[Diagram]] one hole near minus pole
40[[Diagram]] three "  "    "     " 
50[[Diagram]] one   "  "    "     " 
60[[Diagram]]  "    "  "    "     "
70[[Diagram]]  three holes one in the middle two near minus pole
80[[Diagram]]  two holes near minus pole are very small
85[[Diagram]]  one "     "    "     "
75[[Diagram]]  five holes across the whole space
[[Left Margin Note]] Fine needle points [[/End Margin Note]]

When several holes were thus made, it appeared that the discharge took place [[underlined]] in parts [[/underlined]], and not in a single discharge.

[[Bracket]] For other exp. on this point, see page 129 [[End Bracket]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Tuesday oct 24th 1843 [[vertical squiggle line]] Exp with pierced card primary current 

Made a series of experiments on the suggestion from the remark at the bottom of the last page, with the spark from the prime conductor. The holes were generally single, and always at the minus pole, although the sparks were double and  stable. The fact that a hole previously existed did not interfere with a new hole, since when a hole was perforated at the [[underlined]] plus [[/underlined]] pole an other was made at the [[underlined]] minus [[/underlined]], as if the first did not exist.
 To test the last experiment's result still, the jar was so arranged with a conductor [[image]] with a rounded end as to discharge itself when the intensity arose to a given height. The results however with this, were about the same as with the other arrangement. The paper was pierced sometimes with a single hole sometimes with two and more.
When the interval at [[underlined]] a [[/underlined]] was 3/4 of an inch, and the points 3/4 also the perforation as at the negative pole and single, but when the points were brought within 1/5 of an inch, all the perforations were double and some of them  [[?]] apart.
Repeated last exp, distances same,- found [[underlined]] three holes [[/underlined]] produced twice, and one larger hole, one all near the negative end.
From these results, it does not appear that the repeated discharges which I suspected might have some influence in producing the holes as much effect.
The weather is not very favourable for elect exp. today, the wind is now southerly!