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90 Wednesday Oct 25th 1843 [[squiggly bracket]] Pierced card with 2nd current

Repeated the exp with pierced card, and the secondary current with the self discharging apparatus described on the last page.
Thick pan needepoints 1/10 of an inch apart, distance of 3/8 of an inch.
Results as follows: 
7 holes perforated as the [[underlined]] minus [[/underlined]] pole and single.
2 singles near the middle.
4 double holes, 2 near the [[underlined]] plus [[/underlined]] pole,
2 with one at each pole.
[[line across page]]
Dist 14/40 = 7/20 of an inch the balls.
The points 3/40 =1/13 of an inch.
1 one hole near the negative.
2 two holes one at negative small one near middle.
3 three holes near middle nearer plus pole.
4 two holes on a line mid way.
5 two holes "  " "    "   ". 
6 one hole at negative pole.
[[line across page with illegible writing]]
These results are similar to those obtained 
Monday 23 inst.
[[NB written in left margin]]
I observed a fact of some importance in these experiments, that although the spark did not pass through a hole which was pierced near the card at the plus pole, yet it passed a considerable distance out of its course to go through a hole near the minus end. Thus + & - [[image of symbols]] representing the points, and [[underlined]] a [[/underlined]] the  hole, the discharge passed through [[underlined]] a [[/underlined]] rather than perforate a new hole - this shows the influence of the perforation of one current in determining that of the other..
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Wednesday Oct 25 1843 [[squiggly line]] Tertiary current [[squiggly line]] secondary current with galvanometer  91
In one of the last experiments, when from the sound of the discharge it appeared evident that the electricity cut across from one part of the primary conductor to the other, the perforation was in the middle and not at the negative end.
[[line across paper]]
[[images of drawings]]  Made an arrangement for the current of the [[underlined]]third [[\underlined]] order, - when the two ends of the conductor of the third order were placed near each other, a  spark was produced 1/4 of an inch long with the mere snaps of the machine and  without the jar.
The perforations in the paper placed at [[underlined]] a [[/underlined]] were on the negative side, occasionally three very fine holes were made near the same pole, but this was by a succession of sparks.
Placed the apparatus of the pierced card in the circuit of the Secondary current, and then three sparks in the conductor without the jar. The points were 1/20 of an inch apart. The perforation was generally near the negative side, but sometimes and often, near the middle inclining to the negative side.
 The spark appeared on one case to be double, but in general but one hole was perforated by a single spark.
[[line across page]]
Matteucci's experiments with the galvanometer were made with the battery. To make parallel exps the Franklin battery was charged as follows:
charge per elect.
10˚ secondary current per galvanometer adverse -
12˚ "         "       "   "            direct 
20˚ "         "       "   "            direct +
30˚ "         "       "   "            adverse -
40˚ "         "       "   "            direct +
   with the last a loud snap