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94 Thursday Oct 26th 1843 { Magnetization of Needles by primary current }

In the last experiment, the result was a little doubtful, because the needles were slightly  magnetic by cutting of the length from the spool of steel wire.

Repeated the same, great care being taken to demagnetize the needles, the result was as follows:

wire curled around bees wax.

Battery 45[[degree symbol]]
Wire Needles

Needles     distance            Deflect
1            1/8 of an inch       0
2    "       1/4 "                -5
3            1/2                 +slightly

Small Compass
Battery 45 [[degree symbol]]
Needles no 11 over coil around bees wax

Needles     distance           Defl.
1            1/7 of an inch      -2 [[underline]] minus [[/underlined]]
2            2/7                 -0
3            3/7                 +17
4            4/7                 +19
5            5/7                 + 1/2 23
6            6/7                 +22 1/2
7            7/7                 +22
8            8/7                 +20
9            9/7                 +17 1/2
10          10/7                 +17
11          11/7                 +14
Larger Compass

Needles no 11
Battery 45
Needles     distance    Defl
1            1/8        -1/2 [[underlined]] Minus [[/underlined]]
2            1/4        +3
3            3/8        +14
4            1/2        +20

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

Thursday Oct 26th 1843 { Magnetization of Needles by primary current } 95

Battery 48˚
Needles no 11

Needles     dist                Defl
1            1/8                  0
2            1/4                 -1/2 minus
3            3/8                 +20
4            5/8                 +22
5            6/8                 +25
6          1 1/8                 +24

Large globe placed on the end of the wire, or rather I should say, introduced into the circuit, on the side next the positive poles.
[[Line drawn across page]]
It is evident from the foregoing experiments, on the magnetization of needles, that by increasing the number of wires the charge of polarity may be produced in larger needles, and this result is what I expected in making the arrangements.
In this arrangement however, the diminution of force and change of direction is probably influenced by the currents in the spires on the under side of the bee's-wax.
[[Double line drawn across page]]
Evening, 8 o'clock. I made some experiments tonight on the electrical light. The discharge through a vacuum is continuous and larger in the middle, but when small sparks were pass, beams of electricity diverged  in all directions towards the glass, and particularly when the hand was brought near, and this is undoubtedly owing to the lateral induction of the hand--when a negative conductor is placed at a little distance from a positive one, the induction is principally directed to the negative, but all the distant objects around allso receive the induction, so that the sum of the negative and the positive electricities is the same.