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[[start page]]
[[top margin]] 100 Saturday Oct 28th 1843[[/top margin]]
In the last experiment, several half needles were placed on different sides, and in the middle of the copper riband, in order to ascertain if there was any difference in the magnetizing power of the plate at the edges, and in the middle. The result would appear to give a greater intensity at the sides, but the difference is not sufficiently great to render it certain that such a result was to be depended on. 
The induction at a distance, which produces the changes in the small needles, would interfere with this result. 
[[line across width of page]]
[[A figure takes up much of the bottom half of the page. It appears to have been drawn with the page turned sideways, with writing down the left and right margins, corresponding to the top and the bottom of the figure, respectively.]]
[[sideways along left margin]]Large needles no 2 broken into two pieces[[/sideways along left margin]]
[[sideways along right margin]] Battery charged to 48˚
 All magnetized [[underline]]plus[[/underline]][[/sideways along right margin]]
In the above drawing, the position of a number of half needles no 2 are shown as they were placed on the surface of the tin foil, on the coated pane of glass called the square of Franklin. 
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[[start page]]
[[top margin]]Saturday Oct 28th 1843 101[[/top margin]]
Every needle on the tin foil was magnetized. The irregularity is due in part to the different magnetic capacity of the needles, some of them were shorter than others, as it was impossible to break them all of the same length. Also the tempre of the whole lot was not quite the same, since some of them could be bent much more than others. 
The numbers annexed to each needle indicates the deflection or relative magnetic intensity of each, and from there it will be seen that the electrical action extended to every part of the tin foil. 
This experiment is interesting, and must be varied in reference to the thickness of the sheet, also by seperating it into parallel sheets to acertain what part of the effect is due to the magnetization at a distance from the discharge. 
NB One result deserves particular notice, all the needles were magnetized by a [[underline]]plus action[[/underline]]
[[line across page width]]
[[A figure takes up much of the remaining page. It appears to have been drawn with the page turned sideways, and writing along the left and right margins, corresponding to the top and bottom of the figure, respectively.]]
[[sideways along left margin]]half-needles no 11[[/sideways along left margin]]
[[sideways along right margin]]Battery charge 48˚[[/sideways along right margin]]
[[left margin]][[thickened X]]poles[[/left margin]]
[[caption beneath figure]]The numbers indicate the deflection[[/caption]]

Repeated the last exp. with smaller needles, also broken in two, but the parts were nearer alike and the tempres more ^[[nearly]] equal.

[[notation in bottom right corner]]X extend around the hole! Have done So. p 180[[/notation]]
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