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[[start of page]]
4-25-60 cont. 

8-10 P. Martins          Starlings
4-6 Robins               E. Sps.
2 Grackles               Song Sps.
[[entry separated by red underline]]

[[red asterisk]] Wood Thrush singing on West St. (+ 2-3 others in eve)
[[red asterisk]] Hooded W. singing on [[Spout Run?]]
[[red asterisk]] Ovenbird " on Mem. Pkway near Marriott. 
[[red asterisk]] Catbird on Noland St. at [[Colembre?]]

[[red asterisk]] 1 Catbird singing out back
1 Purple Finch ([[female symbol]])
P. Martins
Song Sps.
Engl. Sps.
[[end of page]]

[[start of page]]
Jays               1-2 Goldfinches
[[red asterisk]] 1 Maryland Yellow throat en route
[[red asterisk]] 1 Nighthawk en route 
[[red asterisk]] 1 Black + White Warbler singing across Rochester
[[red asterisk]] 1 Maryland Yellow throat singing repeatedly across Rochester
Jays                  Engl. Sps.
Dove                  Starlings
Song Sps.             1 Fish Crow or 
Goldfinch             Young Crow
P. Martins            Ch. Sp. 
1 Grackle             Towhee across Roch.
3 Cardinals (2 [[male symbol]] + [[female symbol]]) fighting
1 Purple Finch [[female symbol]]
My goodness what a list!
[[red asterisk]] Baltimore Oriole!? Se
3 doves           Crow
Chickadee         Song Sps.
1 Purple Finch [[female symbol]]  Engl. Sps. 
[[end of page]]