Viewing page 8 of 39

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[[start page]]
5-12-60 Rain most of night & day- 
cool 45[[degree symbol]]-60 [[degree symbol]]

2 Cardinals
1 Catbird singing
Song Sps

5-13-60 Heavy overcast much of day

8-10 Ch. Swifts
3-4 Robins
1 Ch. Sp. singing
Song Sps.
3-4 Mockingbirds

2 Doves          Starlings
1 Catbird        Eng Sps.
Robins           Song Sps
[[end of page]]

[[start of page]]
P. Martins -
2 Cardinals
3-4 Mockingbirds
Chimney Swifts
1 Titmouse
Meadowlarks singing
5-15-60 Clear- bright 
50-75 [[degree symbol]] wind 20-25 mph. from West
  Dove             Engl. Sps.
  Ch. Swifts       Starlings
  Martins          Cardinals
  Robins           Blue Jay
  Song Sps         1 Grackle
  Barn Swallow     1 Crow
  2 Catbirds       Night hawk
  2 Cowbirds
[[red dash]] 1 nighthawk over front yd. 
5-16-60 60[[degree symbol]] - 83[[degree symbol]]
1 Crow in yard    Cowbird
1 Barn Swallow(2X) 2 Catbirds
[[end of page]]