Viewing page 9 of 39

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[[start of page]]
   Grackle      2 Cowbirds
   P Martins    2 Cardinals
  2 Doves       Song Sps

5-18-60 Rain last night
   55[[degree symbol]]-75[[degree symbol]]
  1 Yellowthroat nearby 
  2 Grackles
  2 Crows
  20 Ch. Swifts overhead
  Martins, etc.

  1 Br. Thrasher (2X)
  2 Catbirds
    Robins          Martins
    Song Sps        Eng Sps
    Ch. Swifts      Starlings
[[end of page]]

[[start of page]]
 2 doves        1 Jay
 P Martins      Robins
 Titmouse       Mock birds
 Starlings      Eng Sparrow
 Song Sparrow   Grackle
    (catbird + Thrasher?)
5-21-60 overcast
  62[[degree symbol]]-
Ch. Swifts
 1 Goldfinch overhead
 Cat bird         Starlings
 2 Doves          Engl. Sps.
 Song Sps.        Robins
 P. Martins       2 Grackles
 2 Jays           2 Cardinals
 Yellowthroat nearby

5-22-60 Heavy overcast 
misty rain
 Robins          Martins
[[end of page]]