Viewing page 27 of 39

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Grackles                        2 Thrashers
[[red*]] 1 Yellow b. Chat       2-3 Goldfinches
[[red*]] 1 Bl. throated Blue w♀ 1 Starling
1 Empidonax Flycatcher

8-26-60 Cool 50°
8-10 Cardinals              32 [[or 31?]] Doves
2 Jays                           Catbird
Mockingbirds                     Song Sps.
Engl. Sps.                       Robins
Thrasher                        1 Starling
[[red checkmark]] Nashville [[underline]]eyer.[[/underline]] most yellow of warb. No wing or other markings
      P. 191 describes as I saw it.
[[red checkmark]] Empidonax fc.
Yellow B chat
75-100 Chimney Swifts
1 Hummingbird
2 Grackles

8-27-60  70°
Jays                            Hummingbirds
Robins                          Starlings  
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Cardinals                       Song Sps.
Thrasher                        Catbird.
Swifts                          Goldfinches
                                2-3 Doves
[[red checkmark]] 1 yellow-br. Chat

8-28-60  Hot & humid

10 Cardinals                    50-60 Swifts            
Goldfinch                       Mockingbirds
[[red checkmark]] 1 Carolina Wren   3 Doves
Thrasher                        Song Sps.

3 Doves                     Jays
Carolina Wren               4-6 Cardinals
Hummingbird                 Thrasher
Robin                       Goldfinches
Ch. Swifts                  Catbirds
Song Sps.                   Engl. Sps.
[[red*]] 12 Purple Martins (3-3-4-2) flying SE - coming from over Churchill