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9-6-60     Home  5:30 PM

2 Chickadees      Thrasher
Robins            Catbird
Swifts            8 Cardinals
Song Sps.

[[checkmark]]2 Chickadees        2 Grackles
[[checkmark]]2 Titmice        6-10 Cardinals
2 Doves                            Robins
[[checkmark]]2 Empidonax Flyc.*    Jays
[[checkmark]]1 Flicker calling nearby  Catbirds
                  10AM Mimosas
Thrasher on front & back, 6PM
*1 Orchard Oriole                   8-10 Swifts
Song Sps.                           Engl. Sps.
30-40 Starlings overhead
1 Nighthawk

* Probably Traill's - calling "pep"-"pep"
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9-8-60     55° -

Bobolinks overhead.  Grackle
Jays                 Robins
Cardinals            Dove
Chickadees 3-4       Mockingbirds
Thrasher             2 Titmice
Goldfinch            Chickadees
Ch. Swifts [[checkmark]]1 Blackpoll
(There are [[offic.?]] 43 Whooping Cranes)

9-9-60         Overcast

*1 Ovenbird in White Ash       6-10 Cardinals
              [[strikethrough]]1 Downy nearby[[/strikethrough]]
2-3 Jays                       Mockingbirds
10 Grackles                    2 Downies
Chickadees                     Titmice
Song Sps.                      Robins
Engl. Sps.                     Starlings