Viewing page 38 of 39

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10-9-60 Rain, cool, 52[[degree symbol]]
2 Doves Cardinals
[[check mark]] 2-3 Myrtle W.'s [[check mark]] 1 Magnolia W
[[check mark]] 1 Cape May W. 1 Titmouse
Song Sps.   1 Chickadee
3-4 Jays    Starlings
[[check mark]] 1-2 White-throats       Downing nearby
2 Crows     Mockingbirds
Robins      2 Chickadees

10-10-60       45[[degree symbol]] - 70[[degree symbol]]
Rain last night
Bright & sunny today
Robins        Song Sps.
Titmice       Dove
White-throats Mockingbirds
Engl. Sps.    Starlings
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