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Two yellow SwallowTails

Martins very active around yard  Catbirds
Grackles   Engl. Sps
Starlings   Goldfinches
8/17/64  60 [[degree symbol]] - 84 [[degree symbol]]
Martins -
[[underlined]] 8/18/64 [[/underlined]] 60 [[degree symbol]] - 85 [[degree symbol]]
Titmice   Mockers
Robin   Catbirds & young
Cardinals   Martins [[superscript]] [[checkmark]] 1 [[/superscript]]
Kingbirds   Downys
Song Sps.   Hummingbird
[[checkmark]] 1 Incl. 10-12 over Theo. Roosevelt Bridge at 6:10 PM

[[end page]]  [[start page]]

8-19-64 Wed. 57 [[degree symbol]] - 80 [[degree symbol]]
Home with head cold -
Glorious day - mountain air - wind 10-15 mph NNW

House Wren    Jays
P. Martins    Doves
Titmice       Grackles
Cardinals     Starlings
Mockers       Robins
Song Sps.     Crows
Catbirds      Downys
[[red pencil]]*[[/red pencil]] 2 TV's at 11:05 AM [[superscript]] [[checkmark]] [[/superscript]] Ch. Swifts
Goldfinches (1 singing beautifully)    Engl. Sps
[[red pencil]] [[checkmark]] [[/red pencil]] Peewee

[[checkmark]] Soaring due South- fairly high - on a straight line