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8-20-64 Thurs
Another glorious day

Flicker nearby    Robins
Crows    Mockers
2 Barn Swallows   4 Catbirds
Downy [[male symbol]]   Song Sps.
Doves calling     Engl. Sps.
Goldfinches      Starlings
P. Martins      Grackles
2 Ch. Swifts    Jays
4 Titmice
[[red pencil]] * [[/red pencil]]  Dove on same next in [[ Plitzer ]] [[?]]
[[red pencil]] [[checkmark]] [[/red pencil]] Chickadee

[[checkmark]] All full-growns - young must be nearby (are recent fledglings)

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[[start page]]
8-21-64 Fri.   63[[degree mark]] - 92[[degree mark]]
Overcast - warmer - somewhat humid

Chickadees        Jays
Crows             Doves
Titmice           Ch. Swifts
2 Downy's         H. Wren
P. Martins

8-22-64 (Sat)  65 [[degree mark]] - 94 [[degree mark]]
Hot-bright-wind 10-20 mph SE

[[red pencil]] * [[/red pencil]]Balt. Oriole [[male symbol]]   Catbirds
2 Chickadees         Robins
4 Titmice           P. Martins
Song Sps.           Engl. Sps.