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10-9-64 Fri. 42° - 68°
Perfect Day - at home - partly cloudy late afternoon

[[red √]] Sapsucker                 Doves
[[red √]] Gray-ch. Thrush           Song Sps. 
[[red √]] Swainsons  "              Robins
[[red *]] Hermit Thrush in Honeys Bush
   [[superscript 1 over √]] Jays
[[red *]] Ruby-cr. Kinglet          Crows
Chickadees                  Engl. Sps.
2-4 White-throats           Catbirds
Downy                       Mockers
Starlings                   Grackles

[[arrow pointing to Ruby-cr. Kinglet at one end and pointing to 9-21-64 at the other end]]

[[underline]]9-21-64[[/underline]] ce saw Ruby Cr. Kinglet 

[[underline]]10-10-64 Jim to Peak of Otters
45° - 57° Windy-sunny
Robins                           Eng sps
3 Jays                           Song sp
6 - 8 Cardinals                  Sw.thrush - rusty tails
12± Mockers                      White throat
2 Doves 
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[[start page]]
Chickadee                      2 Titmouse
[[red *]]Junco 5 pm 10-10-64

[[underline]]10-11-64[[/underline]] Windy

6 Cardinals                      Sw. Thrush
2 Doves                          Cowbirds
Robins                           Jays
Song sp                        White throat

10-12-64 33°-
Clear, calm, cool

[[red *√]] Towhee ♀              Jays
White-thr.                       Doves
Crows                            Mockers
Song Sps                         Downy 
Robins                           Catbirds

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