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12-19-64  15°-33°
Calm to 5 mph. -- beautiful 

3  Doves                              4 Jays
[[red]]√ [[/red]] 1 Hairy ♀             Engl. Sps.
2X Downy ♂                            Mockers
   Juncos ♀                           Cardinals
   Song Sp.                           Starlings
[[red]]√[[/red]]1 Y-b.Sapsucker       1 Yellow-
   at Suet ♀                          headed Sue

[[red]]*[[/red]] Tu home for holidays. Daddy     fetched her at noon.
12-20-64  Sun. 25°-38°
Mixed sleet & snow starting 
about midnight last night -
followed by rain = 1/4"-1/2"
  Juncos                        9-10 Cardinals 5♂ 4♀
1 White-thr. ♀                     4 Jays
  Downy♀          [[red]]√[[/red]] 1 Goldfinch 
2 Song Sps.                         at feeder

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Hairy ♀                       2 Chickadee
Downy ♀♂                     4+ Mockers
Engl. Sps.                      Starlings
2 Titmice                       Crows

12-21-64 Mon. 25°-37°
Clear, calm [[insertion]] then overcast [[/insertion]] -- [[red underline]]winter came[[/red underline]] in at [[red underline]]2:50 P.M.[[/red underline]]
5 Doves √                       Cardinals
  Mockers                       Jays
      etc.                      Song sps

12-22-64 Tues 25°-41°
 Clear - cold -

  Jays              [[red underline]]7[[/red underline]] Doves
  Junco                          etc.