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[[underline]]Dec 26 '64[[/underline]] Drizzly 45°- 69°
[[strikeout]]6[[/strikeout]]8 Cardinals √[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]]                    4 Jays
3 Mockers                               1 Dove
Starlings                               1 Song Sp
18 Eng Sps                                Downy
1 Junco                                 2 Chickadees

Bird Count Day - 
occ. rain during morning
√[[superscript over√]]1[[/superscript]]8 at feeder at once

12-27-64  40°-60°
Heavy overcast - drizzle
during night and day -
- rain in evening = [[red underline]]1+ T.[[/red underline]]
Jays                                      Starlings
Cardinals √[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]] Engl. Sps.
Mockers                                   Chickadees

√[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]]  7 at feeder at once

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[[underline]]12-28-64[[/underline]] Monday 33°- 49°
  Cardinals                              2 Jays
1 Goldfinch
  Song Sp

[[underline]]12-29-64[[/underline]] Tues. 33°-44°
Overcast - "raw"
2 Juncos                                   Chickadee
4-6 Mockers  [[strikeout]]4-6[[/strikeout]]10-12 Cardinals
5 Doves                                    Jays 3-6
Song Sps.                                  2-3 Crows
Engl.Spa.                                  Downy ♂
2 Chickadees                               Titmice
[red]√[/red] Wh-br. Nuthatch
[[underline]]singing nearby[[/underline]]
[red]√[/red] 1 White-throat

12-30-64 Wed Sunny -
warm  35°-57°
Titmouse                                   Jays
Cardinals                                  Song Sps

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