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3-18-80 Tues. 43° -- 58°

Strong winds rose about 6:00 A.M. -- gusts to 45 mph.
-- N, NNW.  Wind-driven rain
(possibly mixed with hail) at 
that time -- for 10 min.

Heavy overcast; clearing
considerably by 9:00 A.M. -- cloudless
in aft.

3-4 White-crowns                  8-10 Doves
2-3 Juncos                        7-8 Crows
15-20 White-Throats               2-3 Jays
10[[strikeout]]9[[/strikeout]]C.Waxwings 2-300[[underlined]]Grackles[[underlined]]
100+ Robins                       10-15 Red-wings
15-20 Cardinals                   40-50 Starlings
3 Mockers                         10-15 House Sps.
3 Red-bellies                     3 Song " [[ditto for Sps.]]
3 Downys                          1 C. Wren
50 [[underlined]]+[[underlined]] Ring-b. Gulls     4-5 Goldfinches
2-3 Herring "[[ditto for gulls]][[female symbol]] 4-5 Chickadees
1 Sharpshin [[female symbol]]   2-4 TVs

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