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No Thrasher!

1 Towhee [[female symbol]]   4-5 Titmice
[[checkmark]] [[underlined]]1 Gr. Horned owl[[/underlined]]       2 Nuthatches

[[checkmark]] Great chorus of Spring
Peepers in Clifton
     Crow gathering large beak -
[[margin note]](38 sp)[[/margin note]] full of grass in meadow.
3-19-80 Wed. 29°--56°
Virtually cloudless; skin of ice
on bird baths -- high, thin
overcast in aft. -- wind S-SW, 10--25 mph --

* 1 Phoebe                                    8-10 Doves
3-4 White-crowns                              7-8 Crows [[checkmark ^1]]
3-4 Juncos                                    2-4 Jays
15-20 White-throats                           200+ Grackles
2 Bluebirds                                   6-10 Red-wings
19[[/underline]] C. Waxwings                  40-50 Starlings
[[end of page]]

[[start page]]
100+ Robins                      10-15 House Sps.
15-20 Cardinals                  2-3 Song "[[ditto for Sps.]]
3 Mockers                        1 C. Wren
2-3 Flickers (5)                 4-5 Goldfinches
3 Red-bellies                    4-5 Chickadees
3 Downys                         4-5 Titmice
1 Hairy                    [strikeout]]chickadees[[/strikeout]
[[circled *]] 1 Red-shoulder     2 Nuthatches
[[circled *]] 1 Red-Tail{^S.N. high 9:45      2 Meadowlarks (5)
[[checkmark]] [[underlined]]5 House Finches[/underlined]][[male symbol]] ∆        1 Field Sp. (5)
                                 [[circled *1]] Sharp-shin
* 1 Broadwing {^S-N ^low 12:40   1 TV
1 Pil. Woodpecker                200+{Herring Gulls
1 Thrasher                           {Ring b. "[[ditto gulls]]

[[checkmark ^1]] Crows carrying nesting material
(grass) to cedar among pines at end of 
rear meadow.

[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
"200+ {" at "Herring Gulls" encompasses the line below, "Ring b."[[ditto gulls]]"