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[[underline, centre]]Spring Peepers--great chorus[[/underline, centre]]

15-20 Cardinals                      40+ Starlings
2-4 Mockers                          10-15 House Sps.
1 Flicker                            2-3 Song "[[ditto Sps.]]
3 Red-bellies                        1 C. Wren
3 Downys                             4 Goldfinches
1 Hairy ♂                            4-5 Chickadees
1 Red-shoulder                       4-5 Titmice
1-2 Killdeers                        2 Nuthatches
1 Towhee ♀                           1 Field Sp.
20-30 Ring-b. Gulls                  1 Meadowlark
1-2 Herring Gulls                  * 1 Chipping Sp. (5)
[[checkmark]]1 Phoebe (5)            1-3 TVs
2 Bluebirds?                         1 Pine W. (5)

Claire ^[[unknown word ♂♀]] 200+/- Gulls on meadow just beyond clover
leaf entrance (on Clifton
Road) -- prob. mostly Ring-bills

[[end of page]]

[[centre]]Away 10 -- 1:30 PM --[[/centre]]

3-22-80 Sat. 37°--44°
Cloudy; wind ^N, to 61 mph 
at Dulles last night -- 
30-45 mph here today N/NW/NNE -- 
all day -- abating about 
10:00 P.M.

3-5 White-crowns                  8-10 Doves
3-4 Juncos                        7-8 Crows
15-20 White-throats               2-3 Jays
80+ [[strikeout]]10-15[[/strikeout]]C. Waxwings      50+ Grackles
20+ Robins                        6-8 Red-wings
15-20 Cardinals                   40+ Starlings
3-4 Mockers                       10-15 House Sps.
1-2 Flickers                      2-3 Song "[[ditto Sps.]]
3 Red-bellies                     1 C. Wren
3 Downys                          3-4 Goldfinches
1 Hairy ♂                         4-5 Chickadees
30+ {Ring--b. Gulls               4-5 Titmice
     Herring   "                  7 Nuthatches
1 Towhee ♀                        2-3 TVs (1 at 6:40 A.M.!)

[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
'{' at "Ring--b. Gulls" encompasses the line below, "Herring "[[ditto gulls]]"