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[[Start Page]]
Many Honey Bees at maple
3-23-80 Sun. 30° - 57°
Ice on bird-baths; [[underlined]]few[[/underlined]] high,
hazy clouds around horizon -
increasing in P.M. - breeze 2-10 mph.
in aft. (5);

3-4 White-crowns (5)   8-10 Doves (5)
4-6 Juncos (5)         7-8 Crows
15-20 White-throats (5)2-4 Jays
2 Bluebirde (5)        Grackles (5)
30-40 C.Waxwings       Red-wings(5)
20-30 Robins (5)       40+ Starlings
15-20 Cardinals (5)    10-15 House Sps.
2-4 Mockers (5)        2-3 Song "[[ditto for Sps.]](5)
1-2 Flickers (5)       1 C. Wren (5)
2-3 Red-Bellies (5)    5 Goldfinches (5)
3 Downys (5)           4-5 Chickadees (5)
1 Hairy [[male symbol]]4-5 Titmice (5)
1 Killdeer             2 Nuthatches (5)
#(?)C. Geese {prob. local 1 field Sp. (5)
[[asterisk inside a circle]] 2 Red-shoulder, 1 Fish Crow 

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[[Start Page]]
[[asterisk inside a circle]] 1 Broadwing [[checkmark]][[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]]  1 Meadowlark (5)
1 Thrasher             20 Ring-b.Gulls

[[checkmark]][[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]]Broadwing over Fairfax station Rd., near St. Mary's Church.

3-24-80 Mon. 39°-51°
Drizzle began 6:30 A.M. - heavy
overcast; calm; 2-3 brief periods of
drizzle or mist; wind late aft, SSE,
10-35 mph. (in gusts)

3-5 White-crowns ∆    8-10 Doves(4∆)
3-4 Juncos ∆          7-8 Crows
15-20 White-throats ∆ 2-3 Jays ∆
20+ C. Waxwings       75-100 Grackles ∆
20-30 Robins          5-8 Red-wings ∆
15-20 Cardinals ∆     40+ Starlings
2-4 Mockers ∆         10-15 House Sps.
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