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1-2 Flickers (5)                  2-3 Song Sps. ▲
3 Red-bellies ▲                   1 C. Wren
3 Downys ▲                        5-8 Goldfinches ▲
1 Hairy ♂▲                        4-5 Chickadees ▲
[[checkmark]]1 Phoebe             4-5 Titmice ▲
[[circled *]] 1 Sharp-shin ♀      2 Nuthatches
4-5 Herring Gulls                 1 Meadowlark (5)
[[underline]]8-10 House Finches [[/underline]][[checkmark ^1]]▲  1 Field Sp.
1 Thrasher ▲                      1 Fish Crow
1 Towhee                          1 Pil. Woodpecker

[[checkmark ^1]] about noon, 8-10 House Finches were at standing feeder -- I counted 6 males at once -- 
then 3 ♂ at time in ▲ all afternoon -- at sunfl. seed + niger 

Note:  Claire ^+ Lucy saw a flock
of Gulls in fields near Cloverleaf again today --

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[[superscript in corner of page]][[underline]]40 sp.[[/superscript]][[/underline]]

3-25-80 Tues. 46°--56°
overcast or mostly cloudy
all day (very brief little shower 6:30 AM)
-- occ. brief sun.  Wind N, 10-25
mph., gusty.

75+C. Geese √^1 {^7:15 AM 7:45 "[[ditto AM]] 8-10 Doves
2 Mallards - 7:30                     7-8 Crows
3-5 White-crowns                      2-3 Jays
4-6 Juncos                            100+ Grackles
15-20 White-throats                   10-12 Red-wings
30-40 C. Waxwings                     40+ Starlings
40-50 Robins                          10-15 House Sps.
15-20 Cardinals                       2-3 Song "[[ditto Sps.]]
2-4 Mockers                           1 C. Wren
1-2 Flickers                          5-8 Goldfinches
3 Red-bellies                         5-6 Chickadees
3 Downys                              4-5 Titmice
3-4 Herring Gulls                     2 Nuthatches
30-40 Ring-b. "[[ditto Gulls]]        1 Meadowlark (5)
[[underline]]3-6 House Finches[[/underline]]  1 Field Sp. (5)

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