Viewing page 27 of 63

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

√ 3-5 White-crowns ∆                10-15 Doves ∆
√ 15-20 White-throats ∆             5-6 Crows
√ 4-6 Eve. Grosbeaks ∆              5-6 Jays ∆
√ 2 House Wrens √[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]] ∆
                                    50 Grackles ∆
√ 3 Towhees (2♂ 5 1♀) ∆             5-6 Red-wings ∆
√ 3 Thrashers ∆                     3 Cowbirds
* 1 Prarie W. (5)                   30+ Starlings 
* 1 White-eyed Vireo (5)            10-15 House Sps. ∆
6-8 C. Waxwings                     2-3 Song     "   ∆
√ 3-4 Purple Finches ∆              1 C. Wren (5)
4-5  Yellow-r. Ws.                  4-7 Goldfinches ∆
√ 3-4 Blue-gr. Gnatgatchers         5-7 Chickadees ∆
30-40 Robins                        4-5 Titmice
15-20 Cardinals ∆                   2 Nuthatches ∆
2-4 Mockers ∆                       2-3 Meadowlarks
1 Pil. Woodpeckers                  2-3 Field Sps.
4-5 Flickers                        1-2 Chipping Sp.
2-3 Red-bellies ∆ √                 3-4 Ruby-cr. Kinglets
2-3 Downys ∆                        4 Barn Swallows
1-2 Hairys ∆  √                     1 Hooded W. (5)
√ 2 Mallards at Pond ♂♀ [[circled *]] 1 Sharp-shin {S-N 9:20
2 Bluebirds                       * 1 Yellow W. (5)

[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Away 4:30 - 6:40 PM

* Yellowthroat(5)                    ? Junco
[[circled *]] 1 Red-shoulder         1 TV
1 Phoebe             √ [[underline]] 1 Bob-White (5) [[underline]]
1 Killdeer

4/22/80 Tues. 42° - 70°
Cloudless until late aft. -then
very cloudy; wind NNE 5-15 mph 
to mid-day.

3-5 White crowns (5)                  10-15 Doves (5)
15-20 White-throats (5)               4-6 Crows
3 Towhees (5) 2♂ 1♀                   4 Jays [[underline]](15) [[/underline]]
3 Thrashers (5)                       30+ Grackles (5)
4-6 Eve. Grosbeaks                    4-5 Red-wings (5)
1 Solitary Vireo (5)                  2 Cowbirds
2 House Wrens (5)                     20+ Starlings
[[underline]]√ 40-50 Yellow-r. Ws (5)[[/underline]] 
                                      10-15 House Sps.
√ 3-4 Ruby-cr. Kinglets               2-3 Song "

[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
The final " indicates the use of the abbreviation "Sps." above