Viewing page 47 of 63

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[[top margin]][[underline]]No[[/underline]] White-throats or White-crowns [[/top margin]]

1-2 Hairys                     2 No. Orioles
1 Sc. Tanagers (5)             1 Bobwhite (5)
1 Acad. Flycatcher (5)         2 Cr. Flycatchers
√ 1 Nashville W. (5)         √ 1 Nighthawk
√ 1 Rose-br. Grosbeak (c)      2 Bluebirds
√ 1 Wh-br. Nuthatcher (5)      1 Kingbird
                               1 TV

Nighthawk  4:30 PM
           6:55 PM

5-14-80 Wed. 63°-77°
Overcast; partial clearing by 9:00 A.M.  Clear to mid-aft. or later -- then cold front moved in (" over Duluth 24 hours ago" -- 6:15 P.M. here).  Overcast by 6:30 P.M.  Winds NW & N, 15-25 mph.

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2 White-eyed Vireos (25)        20+ Doves
2 Red-eyed Vireos (25)          4-5 Crows
√ 2-4 Wilson's Ws. (5)          5-6 Jays
√ 1-2 Cape May Ws (5)           10-12 Grackles
2 House Wrens (5)               3-4 Red-wings (5)
2 Towhees (5)                   2 Cowbirds (5)
2 Thrashers (5)                 10-15 Starlings
2 Catbirds (5)                  10-15 House Sps.
√ 1 Prairie W. (5)              2-3 Song " (5)
√ 1 Parula W. (5)               1-2 C. Wrens (5)
2 Indigo Buntings (15)          4-6 Goldfinches (5)
6-8 Robins (5)                  4-5 Chickadees (5)  |
15-20 Cardinals (5)             4-5 Titmice (5)
3-4 Mockers (5)                 1 Acad. Flycatcher  |(5)
1-2 Flickers                    1 Cr. "                 -
1-2 Red-bellies                 2 Bluebirds         |
1-2 Downys                      1 No. Oriole        |
1-2 Hairys                      1 Sc. Tanager (5)
1 Peewee (5)                    1 Hummingbird ♀
3 Barn Swallows                 10-15 C. Waxwings
1 Yellowthroat (5)              3 Ch. Swifts

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