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6-3-80 Tues 68°-85°
  Cloudy; calm in A.M. -- mostly sunny during day -- wind SSW, 10-20 mph. -- heavy clouds to NW & N w/ much thunder, 4:30 P.M. on -- wind shifting suddenly to N & NE at 5:00 P.M. --- rain began 5:05 hard at times = 0.5 by 6:15 P.M. -- storm passed thru before 6:00.

2 Red-eyed Vireos (25)                  20+ Doves
1 White-eyed Vireo (5)                  4-6 Crows
3 House Wrens ^[[+Y]] (25)              10-15 Grackles
2 Indigo Buntings (25)                  20+ Starlings
2-4 Peewees                             6-8 House Sps.
1 No. Oriole                            2-3 Song "
3 Barn Swallows                         1 C. Wren
1 Pine Warbler (5)                      3 Goldfinches
1 Red-shoulder 2X                       2-3 Chickadees
6-8 Robins                              2-3 Titmice
12-15 Cardinals                         2-3 Meadowlarks
2-4 Mockers                             2-3 Field Sps.
1-2 Red-bellies                         2-3 Chipping "

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1-2 Downys                              1 Bobwhite
1 Wood Thrush                           1-2 Cowbirds
1 Yellow-flicker                      1 Acad. Flycatcher
1 Thrasher                              1 Cr. Flycatcher
1 Catbird
1 Barred Owl 7:15 A.M.
1 Green Heron  √  [[underline]]6 [[strikeout]]4[[/strikeout]][[/underline]] Bluebirds √
1 Yellow-throat (5)                     2 TVS
1 Orchard Oriole (5)                    2 Ch. Swifts
                                        1-2 Jays (nearby)

√ Weather -- cont'd.--brief wind gusts to perhaps 45 mph. here -- measured at 65 mph at National -- tornado reports much damage to N & W of us.

√[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]] Family of 4 Bluebirds came to wires near our power pole in A.M. -- later pair was at our nest-box as usual -- nest [[strikeout]]needs[[/strikeout]] nearly complete when we checked 2 days ago.

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Transcription Notes:
Parenthetical note after "1 Pine Warbler" could be (S) instead of (5). Other 5s had distinctive flatter tops. Line missing after Thrasher-Flycatcher - "1 Catbird 1 Barred Owl 7:15 AM." Parentheticals after "Yellow-throat" and "Orchard Oriole" could be (S) instead of (5).