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[[centre]][[underline]]1 Deer[[/underline]][[/centre]]

1 Sc. Tanager (5)                     3-4 Song Sp. (5)
6-10 Robins (5)                       1 C. Wren (5)
15+ Cardinals (5)                     3 Goldfinches (5)
2-4 Mockers (5)                       3-5 Chickadees (5)
1 Pil. Woodpecker                     4-6 Titmice (5)
1-2 Red-bellies                       2 Nuthatches (5)
1-2 Downys                            2-3 Meadowlarks (5)
1 Yellow-thr. Vireo (5)               3-4 Field Sps. (5)
5-6 Barn Swallows                     4-5 Chipping " (5)
2 Purple Martins                      1 Bobwhite √ [[superscript over √]]2[[/superscript]]
* 1 Cooper's Hawk √ [[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]]
                                      * 1 Red-shoulder
1 TV                                  1 Green Heron
2 Bluebirds        [[double underline]4-6 [[/double underline]]Orchard Orioles (3-4Y)
1 No. Oriole (5)                      3 Ch. Swifts
1 Towhee (5)                          1 Wood Thrush (5)
√ [[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]] Cooper's being harassed by 4-5 Barn Swallows
√ [[superscript over √]]2[[/superscript]] Bob-White at scratch feed 3:35 P.M.

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[[centre]]Rachel due today!!! :)[[/centre]]
[[centre]]Mary & John "   "  !!!   "[[/centre]]

6-22-80 Sun. 55°-84°
Cloudless; calm early; Light breeze in afternoon --

2 Red-eyed Vireos                      20+ Doves
1 White-eyed Vireo                     4-6 Crows
3 House Wrens                          100+ Grackles
2 Indigo Buntings (25)                 1-2 Red-wings
1 Yellow-br. Chat                      2 Cowbirds
1 Yellowthroat                         20+ Starlings
1 Sc. Tanager                          8-10 House Sps.
5 Barn Swallows                        3-4 Song "
2 Purple Martins                       1 C. Wren
2 Thrashers                            3 Goldfinches
1 Catbird                              4-5 Chickadees
6-10 Robins                            4-5 Titmice
15-20 Cardinals                        2 Nuthatches
2-4 Mockers                            2-3 Meadowlarks

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