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[[top margin]][[centre]]First "June Bug"[[/centre]][[/top margin]]

2-4 Mockers                             2-3 Meadowlarks
3-4 Red-bellies                         4-6 Field Sps.
2 Downys                                4-6 Chipping "
1 Yellow-b. Cuckoo                      1 Bobwhite
1 Acad. Flycatcher   √ [[u/l]]2[[/u/l]] 2 Green Herons
1 Cr. Flycatcher                      * 1 Red-shoulder
1 Towhee (5)                            2 Thrashers
1 Bl.-gr. Gnatcatcher                   2 Hummingbirds
1 Flicker                               1 Catbird
1 Killdeer                              1 Sc. Tanager

√1 Nestling House Wrens calling - first time!

7-11-80 Fri. 66°-88°
High, thin, hazy clouds; hot, humid; light variable breezes

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2 Red-eyed Vireos (25)                20-30 Doves
1 White-eyed Vireo                    6-8 Crows
1 Yellow-thr. Vireo                   Grackles
3 House Wrens (25) +N                 Red-wings
2 Indigo Buntings (25)                Cowbirds
1 Yellowthroat (5)                    Starlings
1 Yellow-br. Chat (5)                 10-15 House Sps.
3-5 Bluebirds                         3-5 Song Sps.
3-5 Peewees                           1-2 C. Wrens
1 Phoebe                              4 Goldfinches 3♂ 1♀
10-15 Barn Swallows                   4-6 Chickadees
4-5 Purple Martins                    4-6 Titmice
8-12 Robins                           2 Nuthatches (5)
20+ Cardinals                         2-3 Meadowlarks
2-4 Mockers                           4-6 Field Sps.
3-5 Red-bellies                       4-6 Chipping "[[Sps.]]
2 Downys                              1 Bobwhite
1 Yellow-b. Cuckoo                    1 Red-shoulder
1 Acad. Flycatcher                    1 Cr. Flycatcher
1 Sc. Tanager                         2 Thrashers 
2 Hummingbirds                        1 Catbird
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