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[[start page]] 10-15 Cardinals 1 Fish Crow 3-4 Mockers 1 Meadowlark 2-3 Flickers 2 Red-bellies 2 Downys [[checkmark]] [[checkmark]] Bluebirds very busy at both boxes. *Sue and Rachel called from Marion at 3:55 PM --almost to their first stop at Emory & Henry. 11-15-92 Mon. 40 [[image--degrees symbol]] Overcast; wind N, 10-30 mph sunny by 8:30 A.M. [[end page]] [[start page]] Juncos Doves White-throats Crows C. Waxwings Jays Towhees Grackles Bluebirds Starlings House Finches House Sps. Robins Goldfinches Cardinals Chickadess Mockers Titmice Flickers Nuthatches Red-bellied C. Wren Downys 11-16-82 Tues. 19 [[image--symbol for degrees]] Few wispy clouds in S.E.; wind S, 5-20 mph; [[end page]]