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8-10 Juncos 50+ Doves
20+ White-throats 20-30 Crows
20+ House Finches 6-10 Jays
15-20 C. Waxwings 20+ Grackles
5-8 Bluebirds 100+ Starlings
20+ Robins 5-6 House Sps.
10-15 Cardinals 4 Goldfinches
4 Mockers 2 Chickadees
1 Pil. Woodpecker 4 Tit mice
3-4 Flickers 2 Nuthatches
2 Red-bellies 2 Fish Crows
2 Downys 1 Y.-b. Sapsucker
11-19-82 Fri, 44 [[image--symbol for degrees]]
Overcast; wind NE, 5-10 mph.
brief, light drizzle 10:30 A.M., then 
again 2:15 P.M.
Juncos Doves
White-throats Crows
C. Waxwings Jays
House Finches 100+Grackles
Bluebirds 500+ Starlings
Purple Finches House Sps.
Robins Goldfinches
Cardinals Chickadees 
Mockers Titmice
Pil. Woodpecker Nuthatches
flickers *1Sharp-shin in yard 2:02 PM.
Red-bellied Towhee
11-20-82 Sat. 49[[image--degree symbol]]--
Overcase; wind light + variable,
mostly NE.
Light drizzle about 8:30 P.M.

Transcription Notes:
Note from reviewer. Notations in red, like check marks and underlining, are not noted. Not sure if they're important.