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11-26-82 Fri., 37°
Cloudless early; very 
light, variable breezes;

Juncos ∆                       Doves ∆
White-Throats ∆                Crows
House Finches ∆              5 Fish Crows
C. Waxwings                    Jays ∆
Blackbirds                     Grackles
Robins                         Red-wings
Cardinals ∆                    Starlings
Mockers ∆                      House Sps. ∆
Pil. Woodpecker                Goldfinches ∆
Flickers                       Chickadees ∆
Red-bellies ∆                  Titmice ∆
Downys ∆                       Nuthatches ∆

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11-27-82 Sat. 43-
Cloudy; wind N, 5-10 mph.
-mostly sunny in aft.

5-6 Juncos              30-40 Doves
20+ White-throats        8-12 Crows
30+ House Finches       11-12 Jays (11 ∆)
8-10 C. Waxwings      √ [[superscript over √]]1[[?]][[/superscript]] 2-3 Grackles
5-6 Bluebirds               8 Red-wings
10-15 Robins               20 Starlings
15+ Cardinals             5-6 House Sps.
4-5 Mockers                 8 Goldfinches
1 Pil. Woodpecker           2 Chickadees
2-3 Flickers              5-6 Titmice
2 Red-bellies               2 Nuthatchs
2-3 Downys                  3 TVs {Slow over yard, 7:20 AM
                           *1 Red-shoulder
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