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2 Downys [[symbol in red: *]]Red-shoulder
[[red text]](]]/red text]]4-5 Purple Finches [[symbol in red: *]]Sharp-shin 2:20 PM at feeder
[[symbol in red: checkmark]] [[underline in red]]150+ C.[[/underline in red]] Geese SW-SE
low, 4:30 PM   [[underline in red]]33[[/underline in red]] Grackles
[[underline in red]]20[[/underline in red]] Red-Wings

11-30-82 Tues. 45° -
Virtually cloudless; occ. light, Variable winds; partly cloudy in aft.;

Juncos                    Doves
White-throats             Crows
C. Waxwings               Jays
Purple Finches            Grackles
House Finches             Starlings
Bluebirds                 House Sps.
1-2 Robins                C. Wren(s)
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Cardinals                 Goldfinches
Mockers                   Chickadees
Pil. Woodpecker           Titmice
Flickers                  Nuthatches
Red-bellies               Red-shoulder
Downys                    Towhee

[[Symbol: Bracket]]After 5 weeks, Heidi's cast came off this afternoon (right arm)-she is happy!

12-1-82 Wed. 50° -
Full [[underline]]Blue[[/underline]] Moon!
Rain began 6:00 A.M. - ended about 1:30 P.M. [[red underline]]Total=0.7"[[/red underline]]

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