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3 Downys

12-10-82 Fri. 14 degrees.  Cloudless, calm, [[double underline]] cold [[double underline]].  Rain began in night - continuing

√[[underline]]1 Eve. Grosbeak ♀ in yard[[/underline]]  
                          Doves √[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]] 
Purple Finches            Crows
Juncos                    Jays
White-throats             Starlings
House Finches             House Sps.
C. Waxwings               Goldfinches
Bluebirds                 Chickadees
Cardinals                 Titmice
Mockers                   Chickadees
Flickers                  Titmice
Red-bellies               Nuthatches
Downys                * 1 Sharp-shin

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                      [[red]]1[[/red]] Towhee
√[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]] 200+ Crows in Cobb's field at Braddock & Colchester

12-11-82 Sat. 36 degrees -
Light rain continuing; ending about 3:00 P.M. - 

3-4 Purple Finches          30-40 Doves 10-12 ∆
3-4 Juncos ∆                10-12 Crows
20± White-throats           8-12 Jays ∆
20+ House Finches ∆       √ 1 Cowbird [red](6)[/red]
12-15 C. Waxwings ∆         10-15 Starlings
15-20 Cardinals ∆           6-10 House Sps. ∆
4 Mockers ∆                 1 C. Wren
2-3 Flickers                5 Goldfinches ∆

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