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2 Towhees ♂♀∆           Starlings
C. Waxwings             House Sps.
Cardinals               Goldfinches
Mockers                 Chickadees
Flickers                Titmice 
Red-bellies             Nuthatches
Downys                [[red √]]2 Cowbirds (♂♀∆)

12-14-82 Tues. 14°-
Cloudless & calm; scattered small clouds in aft., but calm.
Glorious day!

3-4 Juncos            30+ Doves 12 ∆
20+ White-throats     8-10 Crows
20+ House Finches     12-15 Jays 10 ∆
15+ C. Waxwings       5-6 Starlings
[[red √]] 2 Towhees (♂♀ [[red underline]]∆[[/underline)
                      8-16 House Sps.
4 Mockers             6 Goldfinches

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2-3 Flickers                   2-3 Chickadees ∆
20+ Cardinals ∆                5 Titmice ∆
[[left arrow]]2 Red-bellies ∆  2 Nuthatches
2-3 Downys ∆                [[red circled *]] 1 Red-shoulder 2X
                               1 Grackle ∆

12-15-82 Wed. 27°-
Cloudy & calm early; 

Juncos                         Doves
White-throats                  Crows
House Finches                  Jays
C. Waxwings                    Starlings
Towhee ♀ [[strikeout]]?[[/strikeout]]∆    House Sps.
√ Purple Finch ♀∆              Goldfinches
Cardinals                      Chickadees
Mockers                        Titmice

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