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12-26-82 Sun 56°
Cloudy; light showers last
night (trace of rain)

Towhee               Doves(5)
Bluebirds            Crows 
Purple Finches       Jays
Juncos (5)           Starlings
White-throats(5)     House Sps.
House Finches        C. Wrens(5)
Cardinals            Goldfiches
Mockers              Chickadees
Pil. Woodpecker      Titmice
Filckers             Nuthatches
Red Bellies          2 Red-shoulders
Downeys              2-3 Herring Gulls
Golden-cr. Kinglet   1 Sharp-shin
C. Waxwings
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[[start page]]  
12-27-82 Mon. 47°
Sue leaves today-left at 10:00
Drizzle began before dawn-
cont. to 8:00-8:30. Then overcast-
occ. faint sun-total=0.1".

1 Towhee   Doves
Purple Finches[[45-50?]]  Crows [[N-S 3:00 P.M]]
Juncos                    Jays
White-throats(5)          Starlings
House Finches             House Sps.
C. Waxwings               C. Wren(5)
Cardinals                 Goldfinches
Mockers                   Chickadees
2 Pil. Woodpeckers        Titmice
Flickers                  Nuthatches
Red-Bellies               2 Red-Shoulders