This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
Collector(s): L.W. Macoir
Verbatim Date: VII-1 1972
Collection Date (From): July 1, 1972
Collection Date (To): July 1, 1972
Verbatim Locality: Kluane, Y.T., Can.
Country: CA
State/Province 2:
County: Yukon Territory
Precise Locality: Kluane
Barcode/USNMENT Number: 01004420
Other Number(s): 34,825
Label Note: Bombus balteatus Dahlbom det. R.B. Miller 1986 [female symbol]; Kluane, Y.T., Can. No. 34,825 Coll. L.W. Macoir VII-1 1972
Transcription Notes:
Handwritten Mercury symbol denotes sex of specimen (female)