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[[underline]] February. 24. [[/underline]]  Weger came here shortly before noon. Took lunch here. then we had conference all afternoon with Weger.  Gotthelf and Thurlow relative influence of raw cresol and relative importance of phenol, ortho meta & paracresol. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Motored him to his hotel then I had committee  meeting with ^Russell^ Moore and Geo Stone at Princeton Club relative amendement of rules of Perkin Medal. Moore seems rather to favor Schweitzers views but Stone seems quite decided to obtain the right thing. took supper with ^Russel^ Moore at his Club then motored to University Club where Rainey gave talk of his expedition in African Jungle photographing wild animals. Weger there as my guests. Very interesting talk. After that short visit
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to Chemists Club and then drove home. [[underlined]] Took us only 35 minutes from Chemists Club to Snug Rock.[[/underlined]]
February 25. Busy all day dictating letters. Weger not here had special visits to make.
February 26. Lewis made run of [[underlined]] 100 kilos Cresol.[[/underlined]]  had to boil 4 hours before distilling. Weger arrived here about noon. followed experiment afternoon explained him situation and specially in regard to my work on paper-Bakelite. He took train and I followed by motor car to his hotel to fetch him, took along Baskerville at his apartment house, then drove to [[underlined]] Chemists Club Smoker. Lecture on "Comets" [[/underlined]]A certain Mr. Moses there who formerly was with Rutgers now here with a coke Co. man of small stature , Jewish