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I went to sleep to University Club but could not sleep much. awoke early took [[underlined]] March 10 [[underlined]] early train to Yonkers to prepare for visit of Siemens Halde people. To my disgust I find now that pump of car is broken. So I [[strikeout]] send [[strikeout]] telephoned for messenger boy to bring one from New York. Lewis had been working at it all morning Pump finally arrives here about noon. Then I find that George's dog has lost the bolts of the pump because they let the box stand alone! I feel thoroughly disgusted with all this carelessness and cannot refrain from expressing my feelings. At same time gravel which has been ordered two days [[end page]]
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ago is being delivered in heaps to my greater disgust. [[strikethrough]] At [[/strikethrough]] Siemens & Halde men are at Habershaw's factory. I sent for an open carriage to bring them here and to delay somewhat longer. In the mean time Lewis and Brady working at car. Finally managed to find the lost screws one by one. Lunch with Thurlow & Gotthelf then hurried visit in laboratory. until about 6 P.M. a parting cocktail. They all seem to enjoy visit and then rapid drive to 173d st. subway station. George with us [[strikeout]] also [[strikeout]] in the car watching cleverly the leaky pump and climbing once inawhile along foot board to adjust open petcock on engine. Clever wide awake boy.
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