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March 12. Weger was in Astoria to see gas plant with Elliot [[strikethrough]] Meta[[strikethrough]] I find now front leaves of car are broken. George  [[strikethrough]] hurted [[/strikethrough]] hurried to New York to get new [[strikethrough]]y[[strikethrough]]ones and brought them about noon. Am very hoarse and tired. This is supposed to be a rest day for me. Yet I dictated 37 letters this morning! afternoon took electric car to Yonker to see May who was busy painting his office.  sent off my signed application for Metacresol patent.
[[underlined]] March 13 [[/underlined]]. Fine day. Slept well and feel well rested. Morning at 10:30 drove to Astor Hotel with George and Lewis. Tessel Sabersky Jaeger and Rossler drove to Yonkers thru Park system and arrived for lunch 
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at 1 P.M.^ [at Snug Rock], cheerful disposition of everybody and well prepared dinner. Drove back at 4P.M. to their hotel. Many cars everywhere in park on account of fine weather. Lewis went back and we took train to Niagara at 8:02 by New York Central Time to see them gape at sleeping car and admire electric lights on side of seats. Sabersky ordered cocktails after we were all in bed. 
{I see now all this has been noted [[strikeout]] about 10 pages [[/strikeout]] ahead of this where I describe visit to Falls and Cyanamide plant.}
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Transcription Notes:
LHB notes his entry here is catching up to previous entry at Niagara Falls.