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took samples ^[[of petrified wood x]] limited to 8 lbs. Desolate place, looks like ^[[an]] emplacement of old chemical works! Samples feel blisteringly hot! Return trip seems no end.^[[and so thirsty]] [[strikethrough]] Ten [[/strikethrough]] Children galopping over prairie on their ponies.  Keefer is a Dane who came there 20 years ago with some cattle.  Rush for smoking car, everybody wants a drink!  Cool agreeable night again. [[margin]] X tell at Swing Rock.[[/margin]]
July 8. Awakened ^[[this morning]] in pine forest near El Tovar Hotel.  What a difference in landscape. Pine trees again.  Put on riding breeches, purchased straw hat.  Celine got divided shirt and off we went down "Angel trail" into the canion. Steep and 
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risky trail, rather disquieting but excellent mules. but hot-hot-hot! After several hours reached [[underline]] "Half way house" [[/underline]] a combination of stone with with tent kept by an intelligent looking handsome woman everything very clean.  How cool and refreshing to see a little clear spring.  Cool lemonade; but on we went!  over a hot broiling plateau with sand and sagebrush when we saw muddy colorado river way below. and heard rush of the waters.  I think never saw a more imposing spectacle as the canion of the Colorado  Spent $3 for the mule I was riding on; but spent $5.00 for lemonade and mineral water.  When came back to Half-way-house Found where another party among which Persian Prince and his wife.  Looked
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