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very much like a Jewish or italian fruit [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] vender. 
His wife had high heels and lace stockings. This was a great rest for all of us in this cool spot. Irrigated vegetable garden and cottonwood trees. [[strikethrough]] L--- [[/strikethrough]] [[]margin] Lied [[added in margin in pencil]] down in grass. Miss Hines as well as my wife stood it all splendidly. Some strenuous return trip along crooked risky narrow trails. I had a canteen over pommel of my saddle and [[drank?]] the refreshing water frequently (arrived at hotel at 6 P.M. in time to take a bath! what a joy! for 75 cents! [[strikethrough]] Bou-- [[/strikethrough]] Bought a Navajo blanket for $35^[[00]]  x at VanKamp's store. told him to ship it to Yonkers. . No receipt. Low sunset on Canyon ! Most interesting day. Left at 8 ^[[00]] P.M.
[[margin]]X It is now in my den in Snug Rock [[margin]]
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July 9 Awakened early. Same torrid blazing sandy sage brush landscape with bare black gray mountain range in the distance. [[strikethrough]] Lava[[strikethrough]]Black lava and extinct volcanoes or very distinct old craters, conical in shape This is [[underscore]] San Bernadino [[/underscore]] Country in California. Once in a while a small irrigated cluster of wooden houses, [[strikethrough]] and [[strikethrough]] with a few sparse forlorn trees. Place called [[underscore in pencil]] Barstow. [[/underscore]] A few wooden houses; large wooden structure high in air; [[encasting?]] a new station ^[[building]] of cement. Broiling hot place Man in store says 110 ^[["degree" symbol]] F. Further on large tree-like [[strikethrough]]Yuccas[[/strikethrough]] Yuccas. [[underscore]] San Bernardino [[/underscore]], hot place between two distant ranges of Mountains. Near station shady trees, mimosa and eucalyptus.