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[[margin]] British Columbia [[margin/]]
We were scarcely in train when violent rain storm broke loose. This is first real rain since we left home but we did not miss much in the view as there were long and numerous [[strikethrough]] [[snowsh]] [strikethrough/]] snowsheds here which impeded our view
[[Hill Baedeler?]]. Next time I intend to stop at [[pencil underline]] Penelskota [[pencil underline/]] to take [[examin?]] in outlying Kootenay mining district also at Golden to take steamer. trip on Columbia River
Stopped about 30 minutes at Field and arrived at Laggan [[pencil note]] Laggan [[pencil note/]] in the evening. Drive in the dark in an open wagon with benches over a well kept but steep road with rushing torrent along side.  Arrived at [[underscore]] Lake Louise Chalet[[/underscore]] [[Margin]]Lake Louise[[/margin]] after nine
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 A very cheerful well kept place.  Glad to find good rooms a accommodation and slept soundly and had good night's rest.
July 25.  Slept late and the fine weather gave us a never to be forgotten impression of this beautiful landscape with Lake Louise in [[strikeout]]center [[/strikeout]] its midst. Service all done by Japs for bell boys and by chinese in pajamas for dining room.  Loitered around in the sun and in the woods during morning.  In afternoon went out rowing in the lake with [[underscore]] Celine [[/underscore]].
Some of the chemists whom we left behind have caught up with us and tell us hotel at Sicamore was no good.  Hotel here is very full every train brings in guests to take the place of those leaving.  Certainly a delightful spot for a few days rest.
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